Wednesday, October 22, 2008


For the final refelction i would like to answer all this questions. 1. What they like about blogging. 2. What they do not like about blogging. 3. What have they gained from blogging eg. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc. 4. How? 5. what they like about the course 6. what they do not like about the course 7. what they have learnt from the course 8. what they do not expect but have learnt from the course 9. what they expect but have not learnt from the course. 

Firstly, I like blogging because it like your screen of mind and thought that you like others to notice and know. So, it helps you to express yourself to admit your existance in this world. Moreover, it improve my writing skills and give more practices using technology. However, this blogging sometimes too tome consuming and for us time as a student is very hectic, so we should rearrange back my schedule and time management.
To sum up, let us admit that we have learn a lot for this course which can be clearly seen in our portfolio. So, i think what we doesn't learn but I was eager to learn how to develop and using resources besides technology stuff, because i believe there should be a balance between technology and non-technology as resources to ensure teacher to be more creative and not too dependant on technology.

21/10/2008 REFLECTION


Exam is today. I believe that everyone is tested on what they have learned for this exam. The exam was held in the Computer Lab. We were given two hours to answer all four essay questions which each of them carries 10 marks. The first question is as I expected regarding the first week notes. It nothing much that i can say about the test but i really feel thankful to god that i can answer them all which means that what i have learned in this class was benificial to me as i can recall all of them and put them during the exam. So, i feel happy that this course finally finish but i really miss the challenges we have here in exploring so-called technology. 

20/10/2008 REFLECTION

16/10/2008 REFLECTION

This week just a hari raye week in my hometown. Personally, having this blog provide me a room to share something that we may celebrate together. So, i'm using this oppurtunity and time to say selamat Hari raye and maaf zahir dan Batin. i believe all my freinds and lecturers are enjoying themselves by visting relatives and friends. So, drive carefully and come back with and happy face..Really miss you guys. Take care yea

10/10/2008 REFLECTION

For this week, we were given a task to search for a research paper or article about the use of technology in teaching and learnig English  from the internet. Then, we had to send the link of the article to Pn Foziah in ADEC and she would have a look at it and reply if the article was acceptable. I have read and discovered a lot of article that seem really intersting as they suggest a lot of ways to exploit technology for teaching and learning purposes. I really shocked that in western this has become a common among teacher and i believe Malaysia also should achieve that kind of awareness about technology especially in education field as It promote knowledge as a ways of life.

25/09/2008 REFLECTION

Today,we learned and explored Microsoft Publisher. We were given a task that we have to do in pairs and create a business card, pamplet, poster, newsletter. This experiences was very challengging to me because this is my first time using MS publisher.But, what really benefit me the knowlegde how to create those things and now I realise that how easier to create pamplet and namecard. I even can become a designer of a namecard as freelancer if I want to..hihi. Thank for this course providing us the oppurtunity to learn and explore this software. It really benificial to me and I believe to all my friend to.

Monday, September 22, 2008

23/09/2008 REFELECTION

This class is the last class before Raya. We still in presentation mode. Today we have new asignment to find an article and evaluate the article to the criterion provided by lecturers. This task is actually similar to our math task and we also have learn how to find a good article in our info skills. So I believe this task have support from my previous lesson and the product will accurate as ever. Return to presentation, we have an input about how to find and select authentic material. Moreover how students can benefit from authentic material more than non-authentic material. Lastly, we realised that learning isd a process, although we in the corner of hari raya, learning must not forgotten because we as teacher have to realise the fact. K, Hepi Raya! please forgive me inside and out from those who know me, Tq.